
Lamu Relief

On 15th of March 2017, Care for the Wild Kenya received reports from Lamu County in in the northern coast of Kenya, (the sites are Mkunumbi, Chomo, Mokowe, Lake Kenyatta and Mpeketoni) that hippos were bearing the brunt of the current ravaging drought.  The reports indicated that the hippos were sun burnt, stuck in mud, mothers with lactating calves couldn’t feed calves due to lack of fodder and the rise in conflict with humans competing for water. With good will from supporters, volunteers Fazeela Mubarak from Care for the Wild Kenya, Khatija Aziz and Doris Schaule from Team Tsavo set out to Lamu to assess the situation and work out logistics for immediate relief.

Within 24 hours, the team with assistance from the Kenya Wildlife Service, the County commissioner of Lamu County, Asgar Pathan-Director of Care for the Wild Kenya, Elephant Cooperation, Raabia Hawa, we were able to dispatch two truckloads of hay immediately for the hippos, which should last for 2-3 weeks.


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