
  • DSC00063

    Community Development

    Many rural communities live below the poverty line in Kenya. Clean drinking water, decent learning centres,poor sanitation are some of the basic essentials these communities require. We can improve living standards with your generous support and contributions.

  • _MG_1463

    Support Our Education Project

    Building a future for the local communities in our project areas by providing learning material and stationary. Due to the level of poverty in rural Kenya, learning material becomes a difficult task for the parents to afford. Support us in order to help provide learning material.

  • Mango Farming in Tsavo

    Make A Difference

    We aim at making a difference in the livelihoods for communities. Our community enterprising project involves fruit farming as a commercial as well as subsistence project. JOIN US IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

earthTo make communities partners in conservation

leafCommunities are consumers and depend on natural resource for survival, but in recent times there has been an over exploitation to natural resource thus causing immediate and long term threats. We aim at changing attitudes through educating the communities on conserving the environment as well as conserving and protecting wildlife and wildlife habitat.

butterflyProviding alternative source of income through enterprising projects, supporting educational needs, spreading environmental and wildlife conservation through our mobile film unit, field trips for schools looking into ways that will keep communities away from wildlife poaching and habitat destruction.


How Can I Make A Donation?

You can donate online through our site via Pesa Pal.

Can I Write Off My Donation On My Taxes?

We believe you can, but you need to check the law in the country you reside.

How Can I Volunteer My Time?

Contact us on how exactly you want to volunteer and we will guide you accordingly.

Where Are Your Offices Located?

Visit our contact page for all details.

How Do I Register For An Event?

We will update our site of any event as well as our FB page. Full details will be provided.