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    Make A Difference

    By supporting our anti-poaching teams you will help protect and save wildlife from poachers. Snaring of wildlife causes a painful and slow death. Join our struggle, help us expand our patrols to save wildlife

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    Protect The endangered Species

    Join our efforts in saving the elephant and rhino populations from the brink. We are at a very high risk of loosing these species from the face of the earth. We need your support to STOP elephants and rhinos being poached. Help us to better equip our teams and expand our operations.

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    Protect Wildlife Habitat

    Habitat destruction is a rising concern. Huge acres of forests are destroyed for various reasons. Habitat loss has both direct as well as indirect consequences. Habitat loss also leads to human wildlife conflict. Communities living within or bordering wildlife dispersal areas need to be educated. Help us spread the need to conserve and protect habitat through our mobile film unit.

earthCare for the Wild Kenya promotes the conservation and welfare of wild animals and their habitat in Kenya through direct projects, education, research science led advocacy and community based conservation.


i. CFTWK promotes the conservation and welfare of wildlife and their habitat in Kenya through direct projects, education, research
ii. CFTWK promotes the conservation and welfare of wildlife and their habitat in Kenya through education
iii. CFTWK promotes the conservation and welfare of wildlife and their habitat through research
iv. CFTWK promotes the conservation and welfare of wildlife and their habitat through science led advocacy
v. CFTWK works with other partner organisations on community based conservation projects.


Species and habitat protection
Commercial exploitation
Rescue and rehabilitation


How Can I Make A Donation?

You can donate through our site via Pesa Pal. For further information contact us

Can I Write Off My Donation On My Taxes?

We believe you can but depends on the laws of the country you reside.

How Can I Volunteer My Time?

Contact us on how you wish to donate your time and we will guide you accordingly.

Where Are Your Offices Located?

Check our contact page.

How Do I Register For An Event?

We will have postings on our site as well as our FB page of any event. Details will be provided on registration.